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Attempting to make learning easier for school students, Tamil Nadu government said it was in the process of simplifying Activity-based Learning (ABL) now being implemented in state-run schools.
"We are now in the process of simplifying the ABL to make it more age appropriate. The text book is integrated with the cards used in the ABL, where the child learns using cards, objects and other playthings," Tamil Nadu School Education and Sports and Youth Welfare, N R Sivapathi, said in his speech at the education ministers conference in Delhi.
The research team of the Directorate of Teacher Education Research and Training (DTERT) was continuously working on the text and the cards used in the ABL to make it not only age appropriate but also to help the child read and write as required of the respective classes, he said.
He also observed efforts were being taken to integrate the vocational courses to the requirement of the industries.
Tamil Nadu introduced the child-friendly method of ABL in 2002.

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