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Ambedkar Law University Admission -Five year Integrated B.A and BL Rank List 2015-2016:

Name: Dr. Ambedkar Law University

Courses Offered:

i) Five year integrated degree: B.A. & B.L. (HONS)

ii) Three year degree course: B.L. (HONS)

iii) M.L. semester wise, P.G. diploma, Certificate course, B.A.B.L., BCom, etc.

Five year Integrated B.A And BL Rank List 2015-2016-Click Here

Cut off Marks for 5 Year Hons. Courses 2015-2016-Click Here

Departments: Ambedkar Law University deals with students in the following departments – Criminal, Environmental, Business, Intellectual Property, Constitutional law and Human rights, International law and Human rights and duties education center for Human rights.
Eligibility Criteria: Students, who have completed three or five year degree course in Law from a recognized University. However, those are appearing for the final year can also fill the form on the provision to produce the mark sheet at the time of admission.

Admission forms:Candidates have to send an application along with the demand draft in favour of 'The registrar, The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai', payable at 'Chennai' for the application form.

Admission Application fee: For regular courses, the admission fee is of Rs. 1000/- in person and 1100/- by post (SC/ST-500/- in person and 600/- by post). For 3 & 5 years integrated courses, it may be Rs. 500/- in person and 600/- by post (SC/ST-250/- in person and 350/- by post).

How to apply: Application form must be appended with the Xerox copy of the necessary documents including the reservation claim of reserved categories. All the documents should be put up in an envelope and send it to the department by speed post of through person to the following address-

"The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Poompozhil, 5, Dr. D.G.S. Dinakaran Salai, Chennai - 600 028,Tamil Nadu. "

Cut Off list: A cut off list or merit list will be published on the official website for the selected candidates. These applicants are then required to appear for the next rounds for the allotment of seats.

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